
Hello, my name is ROUMEN

Registered in 2022

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Вадим Ракитин

Member since 2022

I had a short 5-days sailing route (~ 100 nm) onboard Mac Gregor 26 ft with excellent captain Roumen. He is a high quality professional in local navigation and weather specifics as well as very communicative and careful men and speak very well four (or more than 4) languishes ( Russian, Spanish, English, Bulgarian etc., I did not check, 4 or more). I'd recommend captain Roumen and his boat for small romantic company (3-5 persons or more) a for short-term excursions (4-6 hours) or relatively short-term routes (1-2 days) on nearest coasts, beaches and islands for beach rest, fishing/ swimming, diving and snorkeling. Also I'd highly recommend a rent of this boat for couples or families with small children with the options to stay onboard. ...Sorry, I am an extremal yachtsmen and my recommendations perhaps will be useful not for everyone. For yachtsmen. However if you are a serious sailor and hope to sail a long-term sea route onboard a rented little boat, this choice will be so-so. Some local navigational and border specifics can add some difficulties. Vadim, Russia

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March 2022
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