Free Cancellation - 14 Days in advance
If you cancel the booking for any reason up to 14 days before the trip date, we will refund the deposit to you. If the trip is cancelled with less than 14 days notice (for reasons excluding storms/unsafe weather conditions), the full deposit will be transferred to Boat Owner.

Per Boat From: $775.00 USD

With no commitment


  1. Avatar

    The boat can use a nice little refresher but only because I've been using the service for several years and it's got a bit of wear and tear. The crew is ABSOLUTELY AMAZINGGGGG!!! Those guys are like famiiy to me and my family now. One of the best crews in the Dominican Republic. Respectful, reliable and always make you feel safe. I will always choose this boat experience not because of the boat per say but because the crew are so magnificent. I just hope they are able to keep up the maintenance of this boat as we've created so many lovely family memories on it over the years. I wish nothing but the best for them all.